State Power Management

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Year of 2003 marked with two major challenges to be faced as the company PLN's biggest electricity businesses in Indonesia. First, improving the national economy that provides improved impact electricity growth in Indonesia. Second, the application of Law No. 20 of 2002 which changed the electrical business environment becomes filled with competition.

Improving the national economy is a challenge for PLN to bounce back after the previous years faced a prolonged crisis. Medium business environment fraught with competition will be a challenge for PLN as a company that was previously a monopoly company to become just as one player in the electricity business.

Both challenges must be answered by PLN to the company's vision to become world-class companies can be realized. For that, the efforts of corporate activities nuanced optimism at all levels of the company was and continues to be implemented.

Implementation of Corporate Restructuring Program and Road Map Company is a company effort to get to New PLN, the PLN is able to deal with changes in business environment. Handbook of Good Corporate Government as a commitment the company has made a reference to utuk Commissioner, Board of Directors and the management in managing the company PLN, both in development and structure in the developing process of the Government Corporate bisnis.Good based on the rule of transparency, independence, accountability, responsibility and fairness will improve the performance and a positive image for the company.

Efforts to increase investment electricity supply facilities and services to customers, which is an effort to continue to maintain and carry out responsibilities in ensuring continuity of PLN electricity supply for the community, will continue to be improved. Efforts to increase the ability of the company are expected to provide added value for customers, companies and shareholders.

Success of the settlement all over the corporate agenda, in the end will ensure that PLN as a leading company to achieve a position ready to take off to reach sparkling in the coming years become a world-class company forever.